Class Info
Sat, Mar 8, 2025.

Group Class Registration Information and Schedule

2025 - Goal - Write my book! Celebrating 44 years of "Results" and 29 years of "Pawformance" Sports!

Results & Pawformance Puppy & Dog Training

A repeat here from my home page in case you missed it:

March Update! Semi-retirement has arrived... The 2024 fall sessions were my last through Brighton Community Ed. All good! I will enjoy the memories! I appreciate the trainers that have trusted me with their pet's training.

My new goal for 2025 is to (finally!) write my book! Decades of information learned and experiences will provide a great base to share in the hopes of helping others. Possibly a bit of entertainment as well? More information on the book to come. Please check back or reach out to be put on an interested list.

For Results - Pawformance Alum: I am doing some training on a very limited basis for dedicated trainers that have trained their past pet(s) through my Obedience & Manners Level Two.

If you are a returning trainer and have a new pet that is in need of training, inquire! Feel free to send an email or call for more information. Please be sure to mention your pet(s) and last classes. No aggressive or pets with serious behavior issues...

Due to several factors, I am no longer able to handle aggressive dogs and/or very large, strong dogs that are out of control. If your pet may be in this category, please be considerate and get your pet help by another. Thank you.

Alum? Below are 2025 Specials available for well mannered Results - Pawformance Alumni teams that have completed my O&M Two on a limited basis. If you and your well mannered pet are alums, feel free to inquire via email and/or call me. If emailing, include your phone number for a return call. Please note your pet's name and last class completed if it has been awhile since you have been in class, thank you.

Results and Pawformance Sports! Specials for Alumni

2025 Limited Offerings and Specials are below. Current offerings are at the bottom of this page.

Location: North Howell area private residence.

Offerings are scheduled with interest, weather and season permitting.
Some outdoor offerings may be on hold at times depending on wildlife babes in training areas.
These specials give pets a nice outlet for their energy along with exercise!
Current offerings are noted with more detail at the end of this page. Click on the colored class name header,
(it is a link to the description page) for more information on that particular offering.
Puppy and Obedience offerings will be available to view when my new schedule is completed.

Agility - Recreational
A variety of jumps, tunnel and weave poles based on AKC Jumpers & Weaves.

AKC Rally-Obedience
Similiar to a rally course, teams do various obedience manuvers per cards posted at each station.
For recreation or show!

For sporting dogs and pets with a natural retrieve instinct.
Electronic, buzz collars are *not* used to force holds and pickups.

Tracking Intro
For pets that enjoy using their nose tracking trails outdoors to find items and people.
An interest list is started for spring! (This class does not require advanced obedience.)
Note: This is not 'nose work' for pets to locate sources of planted indoor scents
placed under and around props, furniture, walls, etc.

Obedience Floor Time Semi-structured obedience practice for Results-Pawformance people and pets that have completed basic 'how to do' lesson(s).

Interested? Questions? Call my Bark Line (517) 548-4536 or use the Email link below.
If emailing, be sure to include your phone # for a call back as I have occasional email issues, thanks!

Training Director-Instructor (Mary T.)

Attending? Required Trainer Information Form & Rules:

ALUMNI WITH A NEW PET? Read and if you agree with the terms, print this two page form and bring completed to the first class.

ALUMNI WITH A RETURNING PET? If your pet's form is on file with the same returning trainer, you only have
to refresh your pertinent information. Do read, sign and date the waiver (again) and I will
add it to your current form. Thank you.

NO PRINTER? Arrive ten minutes early to complete a form at your first lesson or class.

Link for the forms here: Trainer Information Form, Hold Harmless Agreement & Rules.

Health Record: Please bring a current paper copy health record for my file noting your pet's health is good
(nothing that may be a concern for other pets) and vaccinations are current on professional letterhead.
This is required. Please provide updates as they occur, thank you!

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© copyright 2000-present Results Puppy & Dog Training and Pawformance Dog Sports! All photos, logos, and text are property of Results Puppy & Dog Training, Pawformance Dog Sports! and it's contributors. Any copying is strictly forbidden without written permission of and copy of material produced to Mary T. Ratelle.