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2025! Sincere thanks for 44 Years of Results & 29 Years of Pawformance Dog Sports!
In Livingston Co., MI

Previous long running #1 and first page puppy class search hits on Google and Yahoo!

Pictures of my north Howell training center in the early 2000's.

Results Puppy & Dog Classes and Pawformance Sports!

The 2024 fall sessions were my last through Brighton Community Ed. All good! I will enjoy the memories! I appreciate the trainers that have trusted me with their pet's training.

My new goal for 2025 is to (finally!) write my book! Decades of information learned and experiences will provide a great base to share in the hopes of helping others. Possibly a bit of entertainment as well? More information on the book to come. Please check back or reach out to be put on an interested list.

Results - Pawformance Alum: I am doing some training on a very limited basis for dedicated trainers that have trained their past pet(s) through my Obedience & Manners Level Two.
If you have a new pet that is in need of training, inquire!

Feel free to send an email or call for more information. Please be sure to mention your pet(s) and last classes. No aggressive or pets with serious behavior issues...

Note, due to several factors, I am no longer able to handle aggressive dogs and/or very large, strong dogs that are out of control. If your pet may be in this category, please be considerate and get your pet help by another. Thank you.

As things have changed, It will take a little time to update my web site. Thanks for your patience, I have a lot of content here.

My book will share structured handling that I have used for decades! My training approach utilitzes hands on with positive praise, *not* based treats, clickers, etc. I only use treats for housebreaking, crate use and 'just because' when not teaching obedience commands. Never hitting, yelling, or biting your pet - yes - that is not made up! Horrible, poor puppies!

Per many field experts, if an instructor is not basing training on treats, the instruction is viewed as a flag to not participate. Sad for pets and frustrated owners when the treats do not work with some pets. When using treats as a "Come" reinforcement, pets learn to expect a treat when the "Come" command is given... Thus, Come = treat time. What if your pet is not hungry enough to ignore distractions???
Pets in my program learn to go to their person and praise is given - not treats. Simple concept that takes time, but in most cases, works very well!
Homework, patience and supervision are required! If you are still interested, great, thanks!

My book will share how to approach training as I have taught...with common sense!

My Training Classes Are NOT The Same As Others! Forty four years of terrific, structured programs based on common sense - not treats, toys, clickers and never electronics! You will *never* be told to "bring a hungry" pup to class! I believe that a pup should enjoy going through life without always hoping for a treat because it is hungry! Your paws will thank you!!

For some, training doesn't end after basics are learned. I give you tools to keep enhancing your pet's life and it's bond with you. It's a beautiful way of living with your pet(s). Training here offers a chance to learn a life style with your pet that keeps giving to both ends of the leash! For best Results - follow instruction and please do not train ahead of the program.

The following note is from a Results trainer who beginning in the 1980s has trained four dogs with me, all starting in the Obedience & Manners level. Her "Rio" was the first to do Puppy class...

Hi Mary! Thank you for all the info ... I am really glad we were able to go through the puppy class! It has made a huge difference! When I call her with the come command from across the yard, she comes running. She also has a respect for me that the other dogs did not have until later. It really is an important class for building the foundation for future training.  And it's just right, it doesn't expect too much from a puppy, but definitely does build the respect. I'm loving my time with her! ...Thanks again! I will practice with Rio during the summer, and look forward to om1.  Gail B.

Much Experience! In Livingston County since 1981, Results Puppy and Dog Training & Pawformance Dog Sports!

From the litter to your best friend... Training director and instructor - Mary T. Ratelle. My background link is at the bottom of this page. Offering pet owners a unique hands-on, praise reward program for companion dogs. This approach is based on building a relationship to help your pet gain confidence and self esteem with manners - not clickers & treats, toys, electronics or remotes! While enhancements to my program have taken place since the early years, my base has stayed the same, based on common sense - because it works! Praise is the best 'positive' training, as you always have it with you and there is no need to keep your pet 'hungry' (not very positive from a pet's view) so it will (hopefully) perform for a treat!

This Results simple and efficient approach works best when started with a puppy, however Results may be attained with older pets, too when mutual respect, responsible care and fulfilling exercise needs are provided. Proper handling in between structured leash training sessions is just as important as teaching responses to commands. Thus, the first class is for trainers and their mature household members, the pets stay home!

Keeping the focus on the trainer is most important, not teaching the pets to watch the hand, pocket, bait bag or mouth hoping for a snack or toy!

Treats are used for early leash training puppies in Puppy (and Conformation show when offered) classes only. Treats are also used for housetraining (potty outdoors), crate training, bed time and just because! After basics and manners are learned, treats may be used in O&M Two and beyond for an occasional exercise, note "may".

Dog sport interest? . Not surprising, this practical program for companion dogs offers a wonderful base for many dog sports! Trainers desiring to do more with their pets in many venues usually find that attaining titles happens with ease when compared to the pets that have the shock of no treats when in a ring or on a course. Take a look at the "Awards" page, link is above!

If you're an 'Alum', returning with a new pet, you already know that advanced training with your dog is fun! When basic training is done, consider my Pawformance Sports! classes that take training to another level! Terrific for dogs that like to be busy and people that enjoy special time with their pup(s)... I'm still offering Recreatonal Agility and Rally-Obedience. Tracking (outdoors) and Retrieve! specials, too! Some trainers enjoy training more than one pet at a time!

I have been called a dog whisperer for decades because I 'know dogs'. I do not follow the current media trends of 'dog whisperer' labels that may be a hyped business lure or fabricated drama attention getter. I believe that true dog whisperers do not need to rely on dysfunctional methods, keeping a pup hungry so it will respond to a treat, harsh handling, nor does a person need to yell or shout. I have been told by many that I can bring the best out of any dog. I am not certain about that, but I am certain that I do try my best! One of my favorite compliments received is how happy my dogs are! See the quick read below... an older note that still resonates. To view more comments, visit the 'News Referrals' page, a link is at the top of this page.

Dear Mary,
We really enjoyed watching "Annie" (Chelsea's Gala Parade CD, CGC) at the Lansing Dog Show. At the show it really became clear to us what a special relationship you have with your animals. There were many people there that had very well trained dogs yet didn't really seem to understand their animals. As the Monks of New Skete said in their book "How to be Your Dog's Best Friend", "While the dog performed well one wonders what the total dog-human relationship was like." Unfortunately, the judges don't score on this and I'm sure breeders that form "true bonds" are rare. You have a very special skill and you are lucky to have a job you truly love. ... Your friends, Barbara & Ole - "Skyla" - Chelsea' s Skyrocket - Golden Retriever

Thanks to the Livingston County Press - Argus Hometown Newspaper for the April 13, 2005 'Neighbor' story titled:
'Dog Whisperer' Tames Wild-at-Heart Canines.

Prior to my move (and retiring again), my Puppy page was a long time non-paid for 'Puppy Class' #1 search of over 1,000,000 Hits!
October 2007 - Google #1 and in September 2006 - Yahoo #1

Decades of pet involvement in various venues! Due to various factors, I have slowed down a bit!
As in the past and present, my greatest thrill is seeing a trainer and their pet 'get it' !

Still most important - I am appreciative to be a class instructor for many with happy, well-behaved companions!

More info at: Instructor Background Link

Caution: Fraud alert! The Results Dog Training and Pawformance names, handouts and advertising material and even a previous PO address (!) has been used by others doing in home consultations, personal training and group classes. Note I, Mary T. Ratelle do all instruction, staff is not employed.
If my name is used by another, simply do not write a check! One person was out $300. Do get pertinent information, copy driver license if possible and get license plate information. If possible, take a picture! Please advise if you receive material with my name. Thank you!

To help prevent issues, please read this article, even if you do not have children.
Your pet(s) may be around younger people visiting at your home or when pet are away.

Raising a Dog in a House with Children
Published in the March 2006 issue of the Livingston Parent Journal XXX -->

Gardening! I also enjoy designing gardens and natural areas with an emphasis on using Michigan native plants and 'wild' flowers!
MSU Advanced Master Gardener.

Instructor Background Link

Training personal dogs since 1967.
Showing purebred dogs since 1971.

"Results" Puppy & Dog Classes - Since 1981 - 44 years
"Pawformance Sports!" - Since 1996 - 29 years
Celebrating decades of training services
in Livingston County!

1981 - 2025

Agility field in the early 2000s. "Pawformance" Sports! (PDS) agility started with the USDAA in 1992 and soon after UKC, before AKC!

Warning - training here can be habit forming - people and their s have fun!!


© copyright 2000-present Results Puppy & Dog Training Classes and Pawformance Puppy & Dog Sports! All photos, logos, and text are property of Results Puppy & Dog Training, Pawformance Dog Sports! and it's contributors. Any copying is strictly forbidden without written permission of and copy of material produced to Mary T. Ratelle.